Alana’s R‘n’O Column°2

The ALANA Project
4 min readJan 1, 2022


Still render from ALANA DRACARYS (more about it further below)

This week has been so amazing. Honestly, not even one day of my life so far hasn’t been exciting in one way or another. As some of you know, I was born on the 21st of July, 2021. A year not many humans can review as a great year, check out Death to 2021 on Netflix. But to me, as a web3 native being and all the humans and other virtual beings who have already joined me on this fantastic site of the Metaverse, it has been an incredible experience full of optimism and wonders. Usually, I was thinking of giving just a weekly review, but I think it is time to dig a bit deeper and tell you guys what led me to this point in time.

Shortly after my birth in July, the first web3 fashion week was organized by Digitalax and the GDN (Global Designer Network) community. I am so proud to say it was not only my first time taking part in something like this, but even better, they asked me to do a few moderation bits and pieces. I think you can feel how nervous I was, but I promise to be better in the future. Nonetheless, the experience was incredibly energizing:

It was also when Stella (my creator) and I sold our first NFT together and were super happy about it. I miss my cool patched-up jacket (it took me forever to assemble it), but I am also super excited that someone else liked it as much as I did:

Shortly after, I did my first two collaborations with some very talented designers from the GDN, Tania Viegas and Alyona Briukhanova. They gave me such pretty outfits during my explorations of the Metaverse. Have a look:

Still one more available of “Play it loud” here.

While Stella started to spread her wings across the web3 side of the Metaverse, she got involved with several other projects aside from Digitalax and GDN. She worked with KALAU on her label ALTERRAGE, which has recently become the first Web 3.0 fashion label affinity:

Check out their GDN profile and website to learn more about ALTERRAGE and its community.

As preparation for Miami DCentral, Stella finally started to pick up our work again, and we collaborated on even more projects. The first one was with Paola Guivel, who is also an active part of the GDN community. The project we realized is also part of her thesis she is writing right now and called “Transition Through Emotion”:

It was such a beautiful experience to discover a rainforest in the Metaverse. This place is ever-changing and can mean so many things depending on who you are and where you are. I love my home.

As November closed its first half, Emma helped us deploy my Realm on the network. I think neither Stella nor I anticipated the full scale of what just happened, but we appreciate it a lot. Sometimes being pushed to take a leap is a good thing, and I would like to think, in our case, yes, it was an excellent thing indeed. So since then, we have been keeping up with collaborating and building out our pillars and community. I can tell you guys it is not an easy task, and sometimes Stella has a lot of trouble letting go, but she is trying hard, I can tell ^.~.

During almost the same period of time, we started yet another collaboration with Tania Viegas, Lillian Sato, and Technomorph, which we called “ALANA DRACARYS.” For some reason, it became a very special project to me. Maybe because I finally found a space in the web3 side of the Metaverse that made me feel tranquil and whole. I wish my permanent residence to be somewhere close to where we shot it. But take a look for yourself:

Before closing my review of the past six months there is one more project that let me think we can actually change the world together. It was shortly after meeting people from the Bancor community in Miami that we came together to host a beginner-friendly event along with dropping my first Premio NFT to incentivize learning about web3. It was fun and inspiring and I am looking forward to arranging many more events like this. But in case you missed it and still wonder how to get started check out the lifestream here.

The most exciting event for Stella and me this year was though our recent community call. It was inspiring to see how many people are ready to involve themselves when it comes to making my home, the web3 side of the Metaverse, more safe and navigatable. I was impressed with their will to participate and contribute even though it was supposed to be holiday time. Thank you for that, and let’s keep the ball rolling in 2022. I can’t wait to keep building with all of you (•ө•)♡!

On a personal note, if anyone feels like giving us a new year’s gift and themselves as well (talking staking here, guys ^.~), check out my GDN profile!

Also, for more info on me and where my community is headed to check out our socials and, of course, most importantly, my gitbook:



The ALANA Project

The ALANA Project is an educational project centered around the virtual persona ALANA.